Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Identity Crisis

I've noticed that there is another Infertilemertile out there in blogville. Leave it to me to come up with something original. Did I mention that the names I have picked out for my children are Bob and Sue. Just kidding.

Soooo, I'm going to just go with my middle name - Caroline.


Professor Howdy said...

Very good posting.
Thank you - Have a good day!!!

Nicole said...

Glad you went with Caroline, although I liked the other name as well. But I don't have any bloggie friends using the name Caroline, so I will definitely know it's you when you comment and not some other bloggie friend. I am having a build up of Sara's right now actually, I think I am up to 5, and that doesn't include the Sarah's with an "h". Also, thanks so much for the hello in your last post. So sorry I didn't get to it before this post. Plus, just so you know, I am eternally grateful for your comment on my blog today. It really helped lift my spirits a bit. I was feeling pretty bad about that post actually.